seat test system

The seat test system

from Kübrich is a complex combination of different test schedules for carrying out tests on vehicle seats. The unit is designed and fitted
individually to the needs and for every type of seat. Furthermore, it can be easily converted by one-man operation.


Customers: eg Brose

Test options:

  • testing of rear bench seats, individual rear seats, front seats and easy entry seats
  • endurance tests of manual length adjustments
  • endurance tests of longitudinal adjustments with dynamic locking
  • endurance tests of backrests, locking fittings with preload and dynamic locking
  • misuse of longitudinal adjustment, easy entry and seat back
  • misuse of detent fittings
Backrest adjustment:

  • adjustment of the backrest is done by servo-electric drive
  • manual adjustment by means of spindle gears
  • moment transfer to the backrest via a lever
  • force or moment measurement is performed by a force sensor directly at the force application point
  • unlocking of the backrest is done by a rotary actuator

Before starting, all of the test parameters can be set as required, e.g. speed, cycles etc. During the endurance test all relevant data is recorded, which you can be saved as Diadem Data after the test (if a licence is owned).
Special measuring cycles are also possible. These can function completely automatically. Information about the actual status of the test system can be send by mail or mobile phone. A Web-Server on the test bench allows a readable access to all information at any time.

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