
door measurement application

The dma

is a system for testing closing and opening operations on doors and flaps. It is quick to upgrade (5 minutes) and is suitable for use in the climatic chamber.


Devices under Test: Doors and flaps

The dma is a test bench with high measuring accuracy, stability and test person independency. It is designed for the evaluation of closing and opening processes of doors and lids. The system is simple to operate, self-logging and selfsupervisory during duration tests. The measurement data provide interpretable statements about the behaviour of the object tested under test conditions and during its lifecycle. Exact measurement of closure load, resistances of locking positions and energies.

Static Measurement:
Laocking torque can be measured jolt-free with linear axes characteristic.
Opening and closing curves can be evaluated over angles.

Dynamical measurement:
Determination of the minimum closing energy through specification of the energy to be used by the door unit, the door is closed with a
definable speed profile until the energy limit is reached, and it is consequently released from the drive to fall freely into the lock.

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